Table des matières

Dmaths is adressed to

people who regularly use the formula editor of LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice and NeoOffice (maths students, teachers...).

It is available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. It runs in english, french, german, portuguese and partially in spanish.

The user guide in english user_guide_en.odt, although from Dmaths version 2.8 and showing the former symbol design, is still useable as a start to working with Dmaths.

Get and install it

To download Dmaths, follow this link : DOWNLOAD

After downloading this archive start LibreOffice writer and follow Add → Extensions Manager → Add and select DmathsAddon.oxt

Now LibreOffice has to be shut down completely (including the quickstarter, i.e. all instances of soffice) and restarted. To complete the installation of Dmaths, go to the Dmaths menu and click About Dmaths.... After doing that, close LibreOffice again completely and restart it.

Finally, try to use Dmaths and enjoy a wealth of useful tools for your mathematically inspired documents.

If there are any problems, go to the Dmaths menu and select Options. Here you can reset the settings, repair the installation or select the language. After any of these actions, close down LibreOffice completely (see obove) and restart it.

Dmaths detects the language of your LibreOffice installation automatically, but defaults to french if the langauge is not available. Please feel free to report any problems to the mailing list!

Help us and get help

We need help to check the english translation of Dmaths and update the english user guide. If you're interested, please contact us via the anglophone mailing list (see below).

Help us also to translate Dmaths into others languages.

What Dmaths can do for you:

View more screenshots on Dmaths Deutsch or Dmaths french

Quick macros:

Write 2;f(x) and after two clicks you will get:

You can trace curves (including parametrics and polars):


You can do statistics:


Additionally, Dmaths contains many useful autotexts for the quick insertion of mathematical expressions, and a large gallery of geometric objects.